
Planning to Write

This article explains what an original article is and how you should go about writing one. It provides detailed guidance on every aspect of writing an original article -…
A young researcher's guide to writing an original research article
Aspiring scholars rightly recognize publication of their first peer-reviewed paper as a critical career milestone. It signals active engagement with the discourse in a…
Guidelines for young researchers on tackling common problems in scientific publishing
Belgian astronomer, Dr. Christiaan Sterken, Guest Professor at Department of Physics (University of Brussels), Emeritus Research Director at the Belgian Fund for…
What makes a good manuscript, tips for ESL authors, and more!
This post provides some important tips researchers should bear in mind while writing engineering papers.
4 Must-dos when writing an engineering research paper
A concept paper is a preliminary document that sets out to explain what a proposed study is about, why it is being undertaken, and how it will be carried out. Find out…
How to write a concept paper effectively
When it comes to academic publishing, typically, researchers think of publishing original articles, which form the bulk of primary research articles. The research that…
Secondary research – the basics of narrative reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analysis
Are you confused between some elements of a research paper? Do you often mistake one for another? This article lists some of the most commonly confused elements of a…
11 Commonly confused elements of a research paper
To circumvent the delays that are inevitable in the journal publication process, scientists these days post preprints of their articles. What exactly are preprints? Why…
The role of preprints in research dissemination
There are many books on the topic of scientific and research writing, but most researchers hardly have the time to delve into such books. If only there was something…
A 3-page guide to scientific writing
There has been a tremendous increase in the number of research papers submitted to academic journals, which has significantly increased the pressure on journal editors…