
Style & Format

Scientific writing requires the use of many symbols. It is important to understand the standard style conventions associated with using symbols to avoid…
Learn about the minor stylistic differences in labeling the parts of a multi-part figure as specified in four major style guides.
Style manuals are incredibly useful tools for writers, and similar to dictionaries and other reference resources, they must be updated regularly to account for the ever…
This post explains how to print temperatures, seconds, and primers in describing a polymerase chain reaction.
This article explains some points of style in scientific writing related to using negative exponents in expressing rates.
In writing a research paper, you mention, or cite, papers written by other researchers. For example, instead of describing in detail the method you used, you simply…
Confused about how to use the Chicago Manual of Style or Scientific Style and Format when preparing your manuscript?We will soon host a video prepared by experts from…
Do you want to know how to make your communication catchy and engaging? Here are seven tips to help you. 
Adhering to the guidelines prescribed by an exhaustive manual such as the American Medical Association Manual (AMA) of Style can be daunting. Here's a cheat sheet to…
Hedging is common in academic writing. But is it appropriate? And, if yes, how much should you hedge? This post explains it all.