Q: Is there a specific time to resubmitting the manuscript again?

Detailed Question -

My manuscript was submitted to a reputable magazine. During the revision process, I revised the manuscript again. When the reviewers finished making changes, the comments I received matched the ones I edited exactly. The question now is whether I should resubmit the manuscript right away or wait a little longer.

1 Answer to this question

Thank you for your question. I would recommend resubmitting your manuscript after a short interval to avoid any conflict with the reviewers; as it's conventional to thank the reviewers for their comments, given that they've spent their time and effort in reviewing the paper, it may be perplexing for them to receive a reworked paper immediately. You may resubmit it after a few days, explaining the short interval (if required) by mentioning that you'd noticed some (rather than all) of the issues listed by the reviewers after submitting it the first time, and hence you've been able to turn in the revised version soon.