Q: My paper is not published even 2 weeks after the proofs were ready. What should I do?

Detailed Question -

My paper was accepted by BMJ Case Reports, and it was to be published after proof. However, there is no progress for 2 weeks, though for my previous submissions to teh same journal, it was published within a few days. When I checked the journal homepage, no case report has been updated in the last 10 days, though usually more than 10 reports are updated each week.

I assume there is some problem at the journal end, but should I make an inquiry to the journal? Currently I have another paper at this journal which is under review, and I want to take action as soon as possible. If it would be better to withdraw my paper and resubmit it to another journal, I will do so.

1 Answer to this question

Depending on the number of accepted articles and the time taken to complete the copyediting process, publication times may vary. From your question, it is unclear whether you have received the galley proofs or not. In any case, there is no harm in emailing the journal/publisher to inquire about the status. BMJ Case Reports is a reputable journal. Therefore, I don't think you need to consider withdrawing the second manuscript which is under review.

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