Q: What is a certificate of language editing?

Detailed Question -

The journal that I submitted to requires a certificate of the language editing done. I am worried about this because the editing is completed. However, a document called ‘scientific editing report’ was sent to me. Is this is a certificate of the language editing?

1 Answer to this question

Journals ask for this because based on the quality and stature of the language editing service, they may decide whether or not to also check for language. With a quality language editing service, it is assumed that they may not need to check for language issues.

Coming to your question, the ‘scientific editing report’ isn’t the certificate, although it may include a certificate, as it does in our case. You may view our sample report here and view our sample certificate (included in the report) below.

Finally, in case you haven’t received the certificate, you needn’t worry. You may write to the editing service to provide it separately. We don’t think they should have an issue in sending you a copy of the certificate as you are a customer.

Hope that helps. And next time, we hope you’ll try our service. We have a suite of editing services, and we are sure to provide the certificate with the report, as you have already seen. :)