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Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are extensively used in biomedical research for analyzing various types of sequential data, including DNA sequences, protein sequences, and…
Hidden Markov Models: A handy tool for pattern recognition
Humor helps make even the most mind-boggling science feel downright enjoyable and digestible. So, keep this in mind the next time you are about to share your work with…
I need a little motivation right now – a nice reminder of why I wanted to be a scientist and why I get up every morning to go to work, even on the most unglamorous…
  • Guest Author
  • May 21, 2019
Making a difference: Why I decided to do atmospheric chemistry
This blog post delves into what sensitivity analysis entails, its applications, advantages, and potential limitations in the context of biomedical research.
Understanding sensitivity analysis and its applications in biomedical research
Mounting concerns have led to a surge in efforts to fortify research integrity. Here we review the measures being taken by various stakeholders, including government…
Global research integrity initiatives
In research, English has probably helped break down barriers more than it has divided people, but the predominance of English is not an unalloyed good. The expectation…
Empowering ESL researchers: tips for International publishers and collaborators
Should funding constraints limit your research? In this post, you will learn different ways to overcome hurdles to secure funding and even identify offbeat ways to…
Strategies for overcoming funding constraints and thriving in research
Biomedical researchers conducting simulation studies should consider several key statistical aspects to ensure the validity and reliability of their findings. Here, we…
This is a conversation with Dr. Asli Telli is Associate Professor and a Research Associate through a remote fellowship at WISER, Witwatersrand University, South Africa,…
A graphical abstract represents a simple, concise, and visual summary of the key findings of a manuscript. The advantage of a graphical abstract is that it conveys the…