
Publication Planning

English is not the first language for most of the world’s researchers, who are vying to get their work published in top peer-reviewed journals. In fact, even native…
As an academic, experiencing creative and motivational blocks is commonplace. The good news is that there’s more than one way to deal with them. In this article, we've…
This article will provide some guidance on what is a research question, how it's different from hypothesis, how to write a research question, and what are some common…
This online course titled Avoid Retractions: Publish Ethically is an effort to provide guided learning on ethics in a simple and systematic manner allowing…
Images that researchers include in their papers need to meet the presentation quality requred for publication. But in manipulating their images to make them presentable,…
I asked some publication experts: What do researchers need? What is that missing piece that researchers need to become successful? And I received some really interesting…
Along with motivation, successful and self-reliant researchers possess some skills that help them stay ahead of the curve. I’ve handpicked five that I personally think…
Inaccurate usage of scientific and technical terms can give out the impression that you do not have in-depth knowledge of the subject.  Naturally, peer reviewers are…
This post covers the basics of copyright in reference to research papers. It explains what copyright is, what fair use and infringement are, and which types of copyright…
There seem to be some unlikely similarities between celebrated chefs and successful researchers. But is there a recipe for success? Now there is. Take a look at this…