
Publication Planning

A series of unplanned events led me to a copy of Charlie Munger’s famous speech titled “The Psychology of Human Misjudgment” and got my brain whirring. In the speech he…
Newer forms of unethical practices are on the rise in the acdemic publishing world, taking unsuspecting authors by surprise. When a dissatisfied author gives a negative…
Many authors consider lab work easier than writing a research paper. The main challenges they face while doing the latter include structuring the research paper and…
As the volume of scientific publishing is increasing, so is the competitive pressure to get published. The extreme competition in academia and the immense pressure to…
You’ve worked hard and think you’re on a winning path when you submit your manuscript to a top academic journal, only to be derailed by a peer review. Here's how authors…
When it comes to scholarly publishing, the reasons for rejection are often within your control and easily avoidable. Check out the most common mistakes that lead to…
Staying up to date on literature in their disciplines helps researchers in their work. This article gives an overview of how.
In this listicle, we have compiled nine legitimate methods to access research literature without having to pay out of your own pocket.
Editage conducted a  workshop focused on improving the writing skills of researchers in Brazil. The material for this workshop is available here.
A journal editor discovers an overlap between one of his journal’s published articles and two other articles published in different journals. The editor suspects that…