
Manuscript Writing

Authors often wonder when to use "woman" and "female" to keep scientific writing free of gender bias. This post provides guidance on using these terms effectively and…
When to use "woman" and "female" in scientific writing?
A footnote to a table is a pointer; it tells readers that whatever bit of text they are reading requires additional information to make complete sense. Learn in this…
Footnotes in tables (part 2): formatting, spacing, and punctuation
This post offers some basic guidelines on choosing between upper case and lower case letters in scientific writing.
Basic guidelines on using upper case versus lower case in scientific writing
The title of a research paper is the first aspect that will be noticed by journal editors/reviewers and readers. Therefore, it is essential to get the title right. This…
Quick tips to help you get the title of your research paper right
Studying English grammar will probably help you eliminate many common errors of grammar from your writing—but it is unlikely that, as a researcher, you will actually…
Avoid the most common errors of grammar in research papers
Why it is important to fomat headings clearly and consistently? This post explains how appropriately formatting the headings increases the readability and clarity of the…
Tips on using major headings, subheadings, minor headings in research papers
When writing a paper, always acknowledge all sources clearly and avoid copying other authors’ words verbatim. Failure to do so could lead to loss of tenure/funding and…
Plagiarism in academic publishing
Over the years, I’ve come across many common language mistakes made by non-native speakers of English. The incorrect of use of words and phrases in English can confuse…
A vocabulary lesson for clear writing: commonly confused words
It is helpful for authors to be aware of the two dominant varieties of English in STM journal publishing - American and British - when preparing their manuscripts for…
Varieties of English in research writing
Journal acceptance is a big deal. Authors often seek the help of scientific editing service providers to prepare a publication-ready manuscript. This article provides…