
Manuscript Writing

This blogpost explains some key considerations for analyzing clustered data, along with common approaches and their advantages and disadvantages.
The author and the copyeditor play equally important roles in the publication process. By working together, the author and the copyeditor can produce high-quality…
In this blog post, we’ll explore what basket trials are, their significance, and the crucial considerations for statistical analysis within this innovative framework. 
Unpacking basket trials in biomedical research: A how-to guide 
Self-plagiarism can have unintended consequences, and it is safer to mention upfront that you are reusing your own text – but without violating any copyright – and…
A variety of languages are spoken by researchers globally. In this article, we discuss the need for language inclusivity in research communication and pave the way for…
Since post-acceptance copyediting is usually the last stage in the publication cycle, it provides an opportunity to identify and rectify any language-related errors or…
Bayesian information borrowing allows you to leverage existing knowledge from related studies or domains. Read this post to understand Bayesian information borrowing in…
This post is about all the ways in which a biostatistician can boost your statistical abilities, empowering you to design studies and analyze data with confidence. 
A vigilant approach toward avoiding the citation of retracted papers can help safeguard the integrity of scholarly discourse, By incorporating these strategies, you can…
This blogpost breaks down Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) and explores why it's becoming a game-changer for biomedical researchers.