
Career Advancement

We normally focus on the challenges a peer reviewer has to face, such as a lack of recognition and high demands on time. However, being a peer reviewer also comes with…
Peer Review Week 2021 was an activity-packed event for the Editage Insights team. We review all that was done, learnt, and shared during and after the event.
Vincent Vanhoucke, Principal Scientist at Google tells you what they don't teach you in graduate school.
This article explores the various views around using ChatGPT or any other LLM as a peer reviewing tool.
Mentorship in academia is as much about guiding students and early career researchers on their academic work as well as helping them find their long-term career paths…
Dr. Ben Britton leads the Experimental Micromechanics Group of postdoctoral researchers, PhD and masters students, and academic visitors at Imperial College London. Dr…
The task of writing a book (or a monograph) is bound to appear daunting, but the trick to completing it is to divide it into manageable chunks and to follow a systematic…
Posgraduate student numbers have been increasing every year, but have teaching faculty numbers kept pace? Also, has the faculty process has been clearly thought through…
When you become a scientist or a principal investigator for the first time it can be very daunting because till now you were guided by someone who wanted you to succeed…
Experts from diverse professional backgrounds at CACTUS share their insights into what will help researchers make 2022 a productive and successful year.