
Research Paper Structure

This article presents the case of one of our clients who we helped create an effective manuscript by assisting in the creation of graphs. Read on to understand how and…
In this article, Ashley Smith discusses the common areas of author confusion regarding figure guidelines and offers suggestions on how to simplify and clarify journal…
The literature review is an essential part of an article. Without a strong analysis of prior literature, there can be no certainty that an article addresses important…
Consider this – great graphs will create a positive impression on journal editors, reviewers, and readers! Here're some tips to help you create powerful graphs that tell…
I asked some publication experts: What do researchers need? What is that missing piece that researchers need to become successful? And I received some really interesting…
Adhering to the guidelines prescribed by an exhaustive manual such as the American Medical Association Manual (AMA) of Style can be daunting. Here's a cheat sheet to…
Read this article to learn the ABCs of science communication. The article covers everything you need to understand how science communication works and what you need to…
This post acts as your go-to guide about standardized coefficients -- what are they, when are they needed, how to interpret, and much more.
Understand the impact of a science color palette on your scientific research, how to properly choose your palette colors to ensure color accessibility.
Adhering to the guidelines prescribed by an exhaustive manual such as the American Psychological Association Manual (APA) of Style can be daunting. Here's a cheat sheet…