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The Methods section of a research article is like a roadmap leading to the core of the research, guiding the readers through the actual journey the authors took to reach…
How to write the Methods section of a research paper
Did you know that you can avoid some of the most common reasons for journal rejection by paying attention to a few details while writing and submitting your research…
Tips to avoid journal rejection [Free e-book for researchers]
Conducting a literature review is an essential part of getting a manuscript publication-ready. But you may sometimes find that there aren’t too many journal articles in…
5 Tips to write a great literature review
The active voice refers to a sentence format that emphasizes the doer of an action. For example, in the sentence “The mice inhaled the tobacco-infused aerosol,” the doer…
Using the active and passive voice in research writing
The aim of the journal article is to communicate your research effectively and help readers understand the issues at hand. This post explains how you can structure your…
Manuscript structure: How to convey your most important ideas through your paper
Most journals ask for keywords during manuscript submission. If you wish to learn how to choose keywords that would increase the visibility of your research paper, read…
Why do journals ask for keywords?
All researchers have heard about the impact factor. Read to learn what you may not know about the impact factor. Other measures of journal quality are now available as…
The impact factor and other measures of journal prestige
Most journals require authors to submit a cover letter along with each manuscript submitted for publication. Unfortunately, few authors are aware of the actual impact…
10 Tips to write an effective cover letter for journal submission (Download - cover letter template)
Many journals publish literature reviews as standalone articles. Literature reviews, along with systematic reviews and meta-analyses come under the broad category of…
A young researcher's guide to writing a literature review
Once a manuscript is submitted to a journal, it goes through an initial screening process which involves a preliminary review by the journal editor. At this stage, the…