
Industry News

Trump’s budget proposal targets science federal agencies once again, drawing criticism scientists and agencies. Various research projects and healthcare programs are…
Over 6000 full-text articles published in 23 Nature journals including Nature, Nature Medicine, and Nature Physics from November 2017 onward will be rolled out to…
eLife's reproducible research paper will allow readers to change the underlying code and produce altered results to better understand the work presented in the research.
More US women leave science careers or work part time after starting a family as compared to men. Read this article to know how this study might be able to explain the…
The longest government shutdown in the U.S. history has come to a temporary end but what impact has it had on the federal agencies in the country? Read on to know more. 
Do you think research communication is important? How do you share your research findings? Share your views! 6000 researchers have shared theirs.
The U.S. government announced a partial shutdown for an indefinite period of time after failed negotiations on December 21 between lawmakers and the White House, which…
The Max Planck Society of Germany, one of the largest research organizations in the world, announced that it will not renew its subscription with Elsevier as a gesture…
Major funders and librarians in China have stated their intent to support and join Plan S, an initiative by a group of European funders to ensure that by 2020 all…
Editage has now released a new report highlighting geographic patterns in author attitudes toward open access publishing titled “Geographic Trends in Attitudes to Open…