
Career Growth

The reality is that while earning a PhD degree, a researcher gains core skills that are fundamental to success in diverse careers. That is why, these are recognized as…
What role does mentorship play in an academic career? What can mentors and mentees do to build a strong mentoring relationship?This post is a compilation of views on…
Peer reviewers shoulder the responsibility of pulishing valid, authentic, and high quality science. Doing it for the first time can be daunting. This downloadable…
This downloadable handbook will offer you some help by discussing your responsibilities as a reviewer toward journal editors, authors of the manuscript, readers of the…
Download this handbook to get useful tips that will help you in ensuring that your peer reviews are helpful and fair.
On Day 2 (Sep 21) of the Peer Review Week 2022 celebrations (Sep 19-23), powered by Editage and Researcher.Life, we hosted a panel discussion to understand the personal,…
The academic community is actively trying out new models, signaling hope and change in the way peer review is conducted. This article lists some of the initiatives and…
On August 25, 2022, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) of the US released a memorandum titled “Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access…
If you choose to pursue a PhD, carefully reflect on your interests, skills, and long-term expectations. Here are some points that you can keep in mind when making this…
Read Jeong-In Yun's journey from being a PhD in biopharmaceuticals to working for a drug-synthesizing company as an organic synthesis researcher before finally starting…