

"Science is global; so is WAME." President of the World Association of Medical Editors, Dr. Lorraine Ferris, discusses the important role world-renowned WAME…
Although China is among the world leaders in scientific output, the Chinese research system has been struggling to resolve many basic problems in research management. To…
The Breakthrough Prize, the largest award in sciences, honored 14 pioneering scientists in the fields of fundamental physics, life sciences, and mathematics with $3…
Breakthrough Prize awards top scientists with $3 million each
While peer review is considered as an integral part of validating the soundness of science, peer reviewing has remained a largely unacknowledged task. The recently…
The third annual John Maddox Prize was jointly awarded to freelance journalist Dr. Emily Willingham and early career scientist Dr. David Robert Grimes in recognition of…
Writers awarded the 2014 John Maddox Prize for defending science
It takes several months to years for a researcher to publish a paper. A commonly cited reason for delayed publication is that the peer reviewers often recommend that…
This article shares some great tips for regional or local journals that are looking to expand their scope and become international so that they can reach out to a global…
Go global: 6 Great tips to get your regional journal indexed in SCIE
In the ever-expanding academic literature pool, health-related academic journal publications authored by nurses are very rare. In this post, Jolene Menezes, Editor of…
The importance of encouraging nurses to publish in scholarly journals
A new platform for publication review is not only making peer review more fast, efficient, and effective but also helping scholars advance their careers. Learn all about…
The 2014 Nobel Prize for Economics was awarded to the French economist Jean Tirole in recognition of his analysis of market power and regulation. Tirole is chairs the…