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Read this article to understand heteroskedasticity and homoskedasticity in order to assess the quality of data, make informed decisions about statistical methods, and…
The task of writing a book (or a monograph) is bound to appear daunting, but the trick to completing it is to divide it into manageable chunks and to follow a systematic…
If you are a researcher, you probably collect, analyze, and use all sorts of data to support your findings. But what happens to your data after you publish your paper?…
Using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to orient your efforts is one way to showcase the societal impact of your research, not only to demonstrate…
In this blogpost, we describe some valuable strategies for biomedical researchers eager to enhance their analytical prowess.
Bayesian clinical trial design is more flexible and adaptive as compared to the traditional ones. Read this blogpost to know everything about Bayesian Adaptive design,…
In the recent three decades, search engines and online archives for indexed journals have accelerated the literature search process. Here we discuss how AI tools today…
On the occasion of International Peer Review Week, ScienceTalks and Editage jointly invited experts to answer questions about peer review. Here are the top questions…
Navigating the complex scenario of open access publishing can be challenging for early career researchers, especially those in the humanities and social science…
In this blog post, we’re going to take a journey through sophisticated data visualization techniques and tools that have been proven useful and valuable for biomedical…