
Manuscript Writing

In research manuscripts, tables are used to present numerical data, summarize existing literature, present survey questions, or indicate similarities or differences…
Tables and figures are essential components of a research paper. Even before you begin preparing tables and figures for your research manuscript, it is essential for you…
A rise in academic misconduct over the past few years have made editors and reviewers extra vigilant. However, this can sometimes backfire, as revealed in this case…
When writing a research paper for publication in a journal, following the journal’s style is very important and can be beneficial during the review process. Content will…
Authors are sometimes reluctant to discuss the flaws in their study, as they believe that this might jeopardize their chances of acceptance. However, hiding the…
Discusses the three non-SI units mentioned in the title (psi, mesh number, and quintals) and supplies appropriate conversion factors.
Research nearly always involves measuring and counting: drawing inferences based on quantitative data is one of the distinguishing characteristics of science. 
One of the most important factors that influence your chances of publication is the match between the scope of your research and the scope of your target journal. In…
A good editing service should not only ensure that the paper meets the widely accepted standards for language quality but also help the author improve his/her writing…
Scientific writing requires the use of many symbols. It is important to understand the standard style conventions associated with using symbols to avoid…