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A recent survey by research publishing giant Springer Nature shows that around a third of researchers in Japan are unsure how to share their research beyond academic…
Springer Nature highlights need to support Japanese researchers in sharing findings after publication
Bias affects research, from the inception of the study to the research design and all the steps of the research process, as well as peer review and the publication and…
The crucial role of blinding to avoid bias in research and publication
This World Father’s Day, let’s celebrate the resilience and dedication of researcher fathers who navigate the intricate balance of fatherhood and academic career every…
The challenges of balancing fatherhood and research: Father's Day
Here, we take a look at how to write a conclusion for your research paper and check some conclusion paragraph examples. 
How to write the conclusion section of your research paper
Learn how you can take simple steps to avoid submitting your paper to a hijacked journal. This case study is based on an actual experience with a fake journal…
Case study: Avoiding submission to a hijacked journal
Scientific research thrives on collaboration, bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds. However, language barriers can impede the participation of…
How can lab heads bridge language divides in science?
Pearson's correlation coefficient is a highly popular and valuable tool. It helps researchers understand the relationship between continuous variables and draw…
Demystifying Pearson's r: A handy guide
The need to reduce the carbon footprint in research environments is not only pressing but also achievable through a multitude of strategic interventions. Research…
Sustainable research: How to reduce your carbon footprint
Correlation coefficients are useful for researchers seeking to understand relationships between variables. By comprehending the nuances of positive and negative…
Understanding Correlation Coefficients: A Comprehensive Guide for Researchers
Know more about placebo effect and strategies to prevent the placebo effect from obscuring clinical trial results