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Despite setbacks, scandals, and drama, 2023 delivered on its expectation of being a fascinating and productive year for the world’s research and academic communities…
Language isn't just a tool for communication; it shapes our worldviews, influences our experiences, and encodes unique knowledge systems. Read more to understand it's…
Read this post to understand science communication, why it's important, and tips for effectively communicating your scientific research.
The race to publish and technological innovation have contributed to the prolific scale at the cost of energy and resources. This post talks at length about some…
This post talks about the importance of alternative/innovative ways to communicate science, how art fits in science communication, and the different forms of art for…
In recent months, the Japanese Yen (JPY) has fallen greatly in value against the United States Dollar (USD). This post reviews the impact of the exchange rate on…
The dominance of English language presents unique challenges for non-native English speakers who are part of the global academic community. This post explores some of…
This post elaborates eight critical areas where Chat GPT and similar AI models fall short in fulfilling researcher needs, urging caution and highlighting the importance…
The launch of Threads, the innovative research collaboration app, caused a delightful ripple effect within the Twitterverse. This post lists 5 ways Threads can help you…
As the Twitter exodus continues, it is crucial for researchers to critically evaluate the potential of Mastodon and actively engage in shaping its academic community…