Infographics & Downloadables

Planning to Write

Scholarly literature can be of different types; some of which require that researchers conduct an original study, whereas others can be based on existing research. One…
INFOGRAPHIC: 5 Differences between a research paper and a review paper
Conducting research is a challenging and long-drawn process. You have to plan each step meticulously to ensure that you don't leave out any important details. This…
INFOGRAPHIC: 5 Things you must do before and after your research
This infographic lists nine ways in which a thesis is different from a journal article. The idea is to help you understand how the two are completely different types of…
This infographic explains why it is necessary to describe the setting of your study in your manuscript.
Choosing between qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods designs can be quite challenging. Here's a quick guide to help you choose the best one.
Here is a handy guide on how to discuss prior studies differently while writing your background section and literature review.
In this infographic, we have listed how you may write the rationale of your research
Visual elements play a vital role in your research. They enable you to present complex data in a simplified manner that further allows readers to engage with your…
The infographic presents important biases in qualitative research that researchers should be aware of when they conduct a qualitative study, and tips on how to avoid…
Explaining the implications of your research is an essential part of your manuscript. This infographic lists 5 ways in which you can highlight them.