

Researchers facing challenges with funding and infrastructure may stand to learn from the region's recent events.
This chapter, published as part of the Science Editors' Handbook by EASE, touches on the concerns of science editors but focuses mainly on what scientific copy-editors…
1.9: Editing and design of tables (Science Editors' Handbook)
Drawing on over forty years of experience in senior management positions with numerous leading publishers and as Co-Founder and Principal Consultant of CIBER Research,…
"Digital transition in scholarly communication – We expected more change"
Wouldn’t be interesting to know how the general public perceives science and what their views are about researchers? 
Perceptions of science in media and the non-scientific community
The author describes common errors with style encountered in his editorial practice. These range from seemingly trivial errors with capitalisation and italicisation to…
Common errors to look out for in medical papers
What resources would help author’s editors working on scientific manuscripts perform their tasks more efficiently? This article published in Learned Published presents…
Knowing a bit about journal publishing helps authors to see their contribution in a context since authors are affected by the policies adopted by publishers of journals. 
Currently, many journal articles contain statistical flaws.  Journal editors and researchers are becoming increasingly concerned with the incorrect reporting of
Does an academic copy-editor require knowledge of statistics?
Jing Duan, PhD, was the Managing Editor of Acta Ecologica Sinica (International Journal) and Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. Since 2011, she started representing…
The perplexing case of the STAP cell research, which caught the world’s attention, continues to remain in news. You can read the entire story in brief here.