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As a group leader, you have the potential to make a difference in your lab today, supporting diversity and fostering a collaborative global scientific community. As…
Here, are some specific guidelines to help you ensure that you’re using your time, energy, and creative resources wisely to achieve your social media goals. By…
On this International Day of Women and Girls in Science, let us celebrate the remarkable journeys of female researchers who have defied stereotypes, shattered…
Social media can allow researchers to connect, collaborate, disseminate their research, and keep up with the latest developments in their fields. Choosing from the…
A graphical abstract represents a simple, concise, and visual summary of the key findings of a manuscript. The advantage of a graphical abstract is that it conveys the…
Japan has an impressive range of Japanese-language research journals and a well-developed academic publishing ecosystem. While Japan is a top-class research nation,…
A vigilant approach toward avoiding the citation of retracted papers can help safeguard the integrity of scholarly discourse, By incorporating these strategies, you can…
As per the tradition, scientists are often judged by the scientific publications they produce and the journals where they publish them. However, traditional journals…
With the rapidly increasing number of papers in every field, how does an early career researcher decide which paper to read in detail? From prioritizing one's time to…
A graphical abstract can improve visibility of your research and lets people know what to expect in your article. Here are a few tips and resources to help you get…