
Around the web

The first month of 2016 was buzzing with a lot of activity on the scholarly communications front. To help you stay on top of the happenings in the academic publishing…
To help you stay up-to-date with the latest topics of discussion in academia, we've curated this list of interesting posts and updates. While most of these posts are…
This post elaborates eight critical areas where Chat GPT and similar AI models fall short in fulfilling researcher needs, urging caution and highlighting the importance…
If you ever feel so depressed that you start questioning yourself and your place in academia, and worry about failure, these priceless positive nuggets will cheer you up…
Whether working in a wet-lab or a dry-lab, scientists need to be aware about the risk of Repititive Strain Injury (RSI). Sabrina Pei Qin discusses the ways that…
December has been an eventful month for science. This post lists some of the most interesting news items handpicked by our team of editors. From the historic climate…
What was the academic publishing industry talking about in May 2016? We bring you a quick overview of some of the hot topics of discussion: data sharing, retractions,…
This is our anniversary month, and as part of this year’s celebrations, we bring you the team’s favorite picks for different content formats. In this post, let’s take a…
November was an interesting month for the scholarly communication folks. This month was marked by discussions around irreproducibility, authorship conflict, and costs of…
In 2019, we published several learning-based content pieces and answered the questions posted by you on the Q&A forum. We thought it would be interesting to share…