
Manuscript Writing

In this article, we will explore practical techniques designed specifically for medical researchers to overcome writer's block and boost their productivity in crafting…
This article explains what is survival analysis, its uses, how to conduct a survival analyses, and some best practices.
This article sheds light on various tools tailored for biomedical researchers, each equipped with unique features and functionalities.
In this blog post, we’re going to take a journey through sophisticated data visualization techniques and tools that have been proven useful and valuable for biomedical…
Analyzing time-to-event data is crucial in understanding the progression and outcomes of diseases, treatment effectiveness, and more. Here are some important…
In this blogpost, we’ll take a look at how such analyses can be conducted, with a step-by-step explanation of the process.
This is a list of 11 reading resources that will will help you express your research confidently in English through simple, practical tips on how to avoid common…
Read this blogpost to understand why Bayesian methods must be used to analyze longitudinal data and which of the Bayesian methods work well.
You'd have read about the common errors and pitfalls in writing in English but this article is more about the issues English-as-a-second-language (ESL) researchers face…
Biomedical research often deals with complex phenomena, and missing values can throw a wrench into our data analyses. This blogpost explains Multiple Imputation by…