

Here, are some specific guidelines to help you ensure that you’re using your time, energy, and creative resources wisely to achieve your social media goals. By…
Researchers guide to social media
Mounting concerns have led to a surge in efforts to fortify research integrity. Here we review the measures being taken by various stakeholders, including government…
Global research integrity initiatives
There are many individuals who have directly and indirectly contributed to the ever-growing field of scientific visualizations. Captured in this article are some of the…
Peering through the lens of imagination: how science learned to see
We celebrate the dedication and tireless efforts that ensure that the future of healthcare is evidence-based and patient-focused. Let's continue supporting and promoting…
Celebrating innovations in care: How nurses propel evidence-based medicine
Confirmation bias makes it difficult for a researcher to remain objective during the research process. However, by understanding its mechanisms and implementing…