

As an academic copyeditor who helps authors prepare journal-ready manuscripts on a daily basis, I work on a number of manuscripts that need to be formatted as per…
What should authors focus on—scientific inquiry or manuscript formatting?
Understanding the citation patterns and the trends in the use of citation metrics is vital to gaining insights into the dynamic landscape of scholarly publishing. Read…
The number game: 7 Global trends in impact factor and other citation metrics
Apart from prestige and recognition, the Nobel Prize confers on its winners a significant cash award. What do the Nobel Laureates do with their prize money? Do they make…
Ever wondered how Nobel Laureates spend their prize money?
I became curious about what kept researchers motivated on their journey. So I reached out to a few of them, looking for answers to a couple of simple questions: What…
 What motivates you to do research? 9 Researchers share their thoughts
A new platform for publication review is not only making peer review more fast, efficient, and effective but also helping scholars advance their careers. Learn all about…
A mission to speed up science - Publons
The number of publications to a researcher’s credit seems to matter more than the quality of the work done. How did the publishing industry get to this point? How can…
Navigating through the pressure to publish
The development of science in Korea also brings the expansion of scientific journals, editing, and databases. Korea R&D budget ranks high among other OECD …
Current challenges of the scientific publishing community in Korea
Euan Adie is founder and CEO of London-based start-up Altmetric, which tracks online activity relating to scholarly literature. Altmetric was founded in 2011, emerging…
A broader view of research impact through Altmetric
P-values are widely used as the basis of testing null hypothesis, but many experts have been critical of the use of p-values. Now, the journal Basic and Applied…
A Taylor & Francis journal announces ban on p-values
What is the danger with big data? In this three-part series, renowned science communicator Dr. Jo Røislien, talks to us about the nature of data in biostatistics, data…