
Conducting Research

This post provides some important tips researchers should bear in mind while writing engineering papers.
4 Must-dos when writing an engineering research paper
The role of a corresponding author is an important one in the publication process. This post gives you a brief idea of what it means to be a corresponding author of a…
6 Pre-submission tips for corresponding authors
In statistics, “power” refers to the ability of your study to identify effects of substantial interest. Read on to find out how and when you may calculate statistical…
Optimizing research quality: Importance of statistical power and how to calculate it in biomedical sciences
A concept paper is a preliminary document that sets out to explain what a proposed study is about, why it is being undertaken, and how it will be carried out. Find out…
How to write a concept paper effectively
Literature reading is critical to scientific research because this habit will generate a sense of appreciation and passion for science. Read this article for expert…
Expert advice on reading scientific literature as a habit
Journals will not publish your paper if your study involves human subjects and you have not obtained informed consent.
Informed consent
Tired of all those irrelevant hits you get when you search for a term in an online search engine? In this post, I'll share three simple yet effective ways to ensure that…
How to make Web searches more precise
When it comes to academic publishing, typically, researchers think of publishing original articles, which form the bulk of primary research articles. The research that…
Secondary research – the basics of narrative reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analysis
Over the last few years, numerous digital tools have made their way into the scholarly world to help researchers juggle with the multiple roles they have to play. This…
A young researcher's guide to digital tools for literature search and reference management
Big data has brought an unprecedented change in the way research is conducted in every scientific discipline. Although the availability of big data sets and the capacity…