
Conducting Research

This article includes pointers to help you pay attention to those details that often escape attention and avoid some obvious errors when intending to publish scientific…
Submitting compelling and novel content to a journal is only one element in having an article accepted for publication. The presentation and organization of your…
You have been working hard on your research project for months and the data it has generated are promising. You feel now is the right time to start writing your first…
In the field of health studies, qualitative research is often believed to lack scientific rigor and therefore less useful than empirical studies. To counter this…
Martin McCarvill holds a master’s degree in linguistics and has an experience of over seven years in academic writing, editing, and reviewing.
Research nearly always involves measuring and counting: drawing inferences based on quantitative data is one of the distinguishing characteristics of science. 
The STAP stem cells situation, as I write this down, represents a can of worms whose lid has been pried open by scores of scholarly commentators, most of them active…
At the beginning of each scholarly article, beneath the title, is a list of the authors. We get so used to writing our name, together with the names of our co-authors…
This post reviews the book Writing for Science Journals: Tips, Tricks, and a Learning plan, an immensely useful resource for authors
While reviewing an author’s manuscript, our publication expert observed that the result of an experiment seemed highly improbable and one of the images provided seemed…