
Literature Search

We are familiar with the concept of "edition" in published books but what about scholarly articles? Jeffrey Beall reports his observations of a panel presentation…
With a wide variety of available scientific literature search tools, repositories, search engines, databases, and more, how do you pick the best one? This article will…
Reading relevant and recent literature is as integral a part of a researcher’s life as is conducting research. This free downloadable handbook offers tips on how you can…
Literature search, in general, is quite a time- and effort-intensive task. It is therefore quite likely that researchers and clinicians involved in interdisciplinary or…
In the recent three decades, search engines and online archives for indexed journals have accelerated the literature search process. Here we discuss how AI tools today…
This is a list of  5 interesting articles that explore human responses to specific stimuli and how these reactions can impact us both physically and mentally. 
This article is a comprehensive guide to help early career researchers effectively navigate the sea of medical literature, ensuring they stay informed, discover valuable…
Navigating the maze of medical literature: A guide for early career researchers
For an academic, the significance of both reading and writing literature reviews cannot be overstated. Writing effective literature reviews needs precision, clarity, and…