

Almost overnight, because of a persistent, nifty virus, professors and teachers had to shift their classrooms online. Here are some tools that have been making life…
The COVID-19 pandemic has upended the academic community in various ways. In the midst of this chaos, Academic Twitter offers support, encouragement and advice to…
Medical researcher Dr. Abdul Razzaque writes about the coronavirus, advises on preventive measures and busts common myths surrounding the virus and how it is spread.
I check in with students via email, host Zoom office hours, and talk on the phone with them, but the organic nature of those connections feels strained and frantic now…
Whilst in some ways I feel I have adjusted a little too well to lockdown life, other aspects are very difficult to get used to. For instance, the passage of time.
Medical editor and science communicator, Mahasweta Pal, writes about the organizations leading COVID-19 coronavirus research and vaccine development, including pharma…
Because I was experiencing mild flu-like symptoms, I started self-isolating 2 weeks before official restrictions were introduced. My productivity was impacted, but I…
Vaccine makers across the world are racing to develop protective coronavirus vaccines, using both traditional and innovative approaches. This article provides a summary…
The internet is full of advice—maintaining physical and mental health; homeschooling; reading, watching, listening lists; connecting while social distancing; creating…
When total lockdown was annnounced in my state, my husband was out of town. With a sisnking feeling, I realized that I would have to manage a pressing research deadline…