Q: Can school students publish academic papers?

Detailed Question -

Is age a factor when it comes to academic publishing? Can very young people publish academic papers? I am referring to students who are still in school but have lots to share.

1 Answer to this question

Age is not a factor in academic publishing. As long as the study is original and of good quality, it can be published irrespective of the age of the author. In 2010, a group of British primary school students published a scientific study on bees. 

The only problem with school students wishing to publish in academic journals is that they might find it difficult to do so independently. If you are interested in getting published, it is best to do so under the guidance of a professor. You can consult your teachers first and see if they can help you in any way. Alternatively, you can try to find a summer research opportunity at a university in the field of your interest. This will help you learn more about the field, how research in that field is actually conducted, what are the popular journals in the field, etc. Once you are equipped with this knowledge, it will be easier for you to carry out your own research and get a paper published.

Whenever you are ready to publish and need help with the publication process, you can opt for publication support services. There are various companies that offer these services, and Editage is one of them.