A journal editor and a publisher talk about how the publishing process really works
Dr. Donald Samulack, President US Operations, Editage, Cactus Communications, in conversation with Dr. Anne Woods, Chief Nursing Officer at WKH, and Shawn Kennedy, Editor in Chief, American Journal of Nursing
This is the first of an interesting series of vignettes where Dr. Samulack, Dr. Woods, and Shawn talk about several aspects of journal publishing, from journal workflow to publication ethics. Here, Dr. Woods fills us in on the range of publications managed by Wolters Kluwer and the scope of the Lippincott Williams and Wilkins brand that is associated with Wolters Kluwer. She also briefly takes us through the journal workflow at Wolters Kluwer journals. Going one level deeper, Shaw Kennedy tells us more about how her journal, the American Journal of Nursing (AJN), covers everything related to nursing by publishing latest nursing related news, original research, translational research, research that affects clinical outcomes, clinical reviews, quality improvement projects and reports, other aspects that are important to nurses’ growth and development, and any art (visual or literary) produced by nurses. Both Dr. Woods and Shawn talk about the fact that Wolters Kluwer is helping nursing and healthcare professionals get access to innovative research and developments in the field.
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