Many researchers hesitate to publish open access (OA) for a variety of reasons. To those researchers who are not familiar with the concept of open access and the functioning of open access journals,…
The Abstract plays a decisive role in whether people will go on to read your entire paper. This video will give you 11 tips that will guide you through writing a more effective research paper…
In honor of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, we thought of looking back at some of the other Nobel Laureates in the field of chemistry. How much do you really know about the Nobel Prize in…
The Nobel Prize in Physics was first awarded back in 1901, and today there are a total of 207 Physics Nobel Laureates. Do you consider yourself an expert on the Nobel Prize in Physics? Try taking…
In honor of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Medicine, we thought it would be interesting to jolt our memories and look back at some of the other Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine. This crossword…
It is very rare that two researchers from the same family receive the Nobel Prize. But what if the 2 researchers involved in the prize-winning research are both life partners as and research partners…
Peer review as we know it today has evolved through the years to accommodate different journals' management styles as well as the increasing volume of journal submissions. This infographic lists and…
In scientific writing, choosing the correct tenses is not as easy as it may seem to be in lay conversation. While writing a research paper, tense usage depends upon the section of the paper being…
Conducting a literature review is an essential part of getting a manuscript publication-ready. But you may sometimes find that there aren’t too many journal articles in your specific research area.…
A cover letter introduces your submission to the target journal’s editors and gives them a brief overview of its contents and major details. As such, your cover letter should function as a sales…