
Title, Abstract & keywords

The title, abstract, and keywords are one of the most important elements to publication success. A negligent or sloppy attitude towards these three vital elements…
How to write an effective title and abstract and choose appropriate keywords
One of the most basic and important aspects of a research paper is the title. Writing the a research paper title may seem a simple task, but it requires some serious…
3 Basic tips on writing a good research paper title
An abstract is like a movie trailer. It offers a preview, highlights key points, and helps the audience decide whether to view the entire work. Abstracts are the…
A 10-step guide to make your research paper abstract more effective
This article demonstrates how you can write a good title for your research paper by following five simple steps.
5 Simple steps to write a good research paper title
Most journals ask for keywords during manuscript submission. If you wish to learn how to choose keywords that would increase the visibility of your research paper, read…
Why do journals ask for keywords?
The title of a research paper is the first aspect that will be noticed by journal editors/reviewers and readers. Therefore, it is essential to get the title right. This…
Quick tips to help you get the title of your research paper right
Typically, readers see the title of a paper and, if that interests them, skim through the paper, looking at tables and figures and headings. Therefore, headings offer a…
3 Tips to write informative and logical headings
Authors are often disappointed when their manuscript is rejected after initial screening and are left wondering what was wrong with the paper and why it was not even…
This post talks about what are keywords, their importance in any academic writing, and how to choose suitable keywords for your manuscript or scholarly article.
Here’s a simple yet effective recipe with five ingredients, which are key to creating a well-written, submission-ready manuscript that delights the journal editor and…