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A pioneer in reforms and development of Chinese academic journals, Dr. Yan, over many years, has dedicated himself to the study of innovation in and internationalization of Chinese journals. He…
A mission to speed up science - Publons
A new platform for publication review is not only making peer review more fast, efficient, and effective but also helping scholars advance their careers. Learn all about it in our interview with Dr.…
"Science is global; so is WAME." President of the World Association of Medical Editors, Dr. Lorraine Ferris, discusses the important role world-renowned WAME plays to raise medical editing standards…
Researchers can formulate a plan to be more prolific with their articles. Chinese scientist Dr. Hailiang Yu shares his successful approach that has led him to publish 100 papers within ten years. Dr…
Dr. Jo Røislien provides meaningful insight about the issues with data and statistical analysis.
What is the danger with big data? In this three-part series, renowned science communicator Dr. Jo Røislien, talks to us about the nature of data in biostatistics, data mining in general, and why he…
"Researchers in the field all chase the Next Big Thing." Dr. Røislien, famous Norwegian science communicator, discusses in the second part of our interview the challenges in research and publishing…
In this last segment of our interview series, Dr. Jo Røislien ends us off with a couple of his favorite research tools and some words of advice from the perspective of a peer reviewer. Dr. Røislien…
Top ranking scientist in clinical and molecular microbiology, Dr. Yi-Wei Tang, speaks to us about the Journal of Clinical Microbiology, an American Society for Microbiology (ASM) publication, medical…
Dr. Kevin Steinmetz is an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work at Kansas State University. He was involved in starting the Journal of Qualitative Criminal…
Dr. Kevin Steinmetz, Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology
Dr. Kevin Steinmetz is an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work at Kansas State University. He was involved in starting the Journal of Qualitative Criminal…