Editage conducts a workshop at the Indian Institute of Technology (Roorkee) on writing a publication-ready manuscript

Editage conducted a workshop in collaboration with global information services company Wolters Kluwer at the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, on June 1, 2019. The workshop covered best practices that help researchers prepare a publication-ready manuscript to take them a step closer to acceptance. Over 300 PhD and Master’s students who were keen on learning how they can write an impressive manuscript attended the workshop.
A well-written manuscript is a stepping stone to getting published. Therefore, in this session, our trainer touched upon the finer nuances of manuscript writing so that researchers can increase the chances of their manuscript's acceptance. He addressed questions like why it is necessary to write a clear and concise manuscript, and how researchers can bring out the several aspects of their research effectively.
Our trainer also discussed how to effectively structure an original research article into the IMRAD format. The session also touched upon the ways in which authors should include bibliographical references in the manuscript.
In an interactive session toward the end of the workshop, attendees got their questions answered regarding the specific aspects editors look for in a manuscript and how they can impress the journal editor with their writing. Their feedback about the workshop clearly indicated their contentment with regard to the insights provided in the session.
This content belongs to the Conducting Research Stage
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