How to become a successfully published author

What’s one of the most exciting but also extremely challenging tasks in a researcher’s career? Having their work published in a reputable journal.
Having your research manuscript published requires a good understanding of how journal publishing works. It also requires meticulous planning, good communication skills, and knowledge of publication ethics.
To make this process smooth for you, Editage has organized a webinar that will help you understand the nitty-gritty of academic publishing and maximize your chances of publication success.
Why you should attend this webinar:
- To get expert insights into creating a robust publication plan for your research manuscript
- To learn how to identify the right target journal for your manuscript and avoid predatory publishers
- To understand how to put together a great submission package and speed up the journal’s decision-making process
- To become familiar with important submission and post-submission processes and ethical requirements
- To have any questions about publication planning answered by an expert
Attendees will also receive a bonus offer and resources related to the webinar topic!
Date: March 16, 2022
Time: 2 p.m. UTC
About the speaker
Dr. Arianna Ferrini
Arianna is a biomedical scientist with over 10 years of academic experience in Italy, the UK, and the USA. She has an MSc in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology from the University of Florence and a PhD in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine from Imperial College London. She is the Director of Communications of the Association of Italian Scientists in the UK (AISUK) and the Chair of the Young Investigator Section of the European chapter of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS-EU). She works as a freelance scientific writer and science communication consultant because it allows her to combine her passion for science with her passion for communication. She enjoys helping other people conveying their scientific message, through writing, editing, or consulting, and she truly believes that science has no borders. In her spare time, she practices yoga, plays the ukulele and reads lots of books.
This content belongs to the Journal Selection Stage
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