Q: How to write methods for chronological and thematic models in a literature review?

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Please help me understand my query with possible examples. I'm a little confused. Thank you.

1 Answer to this question

A chronological literature review describes each work in succession starting with the earliest available information. Typically, in the methods section of a chronological review, you will have to group together the sources in order of their publication date. For example, if the earliest available article on the topic dates back  to 1991, you can arrange the sources in three groups: information available from 1991-2000, from 2001-2010, and 2011-the present.

This structure is generally used when the focus is to show how ideas or methodology have progressed over time. For instance, a literature review that focusses on skin cancer in teens could possibly be structured in a chronological manner by examining the earliest methods of diagnosis and treatment, and gradually progressing to the latest models and treatment.

In a thematic literature review, the author organizes and discusses existing literature based on themes or theoretical concepts he or she feels are important to understanding the topic. For instance, an author writing a literature review on skin cancer in teens using this approach would possibly include separate sections on studies about melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer, tanning as a cause of skin cancer, teenager awareness and attitudes to skin cancer, and treatment models.

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