Elsevier and University of California (UC) sign an open access (OA) publishing deal that will include Elsevier's most prestigious journals such as The Lancet and Cell
Spending on R&D is to increase, as per China's recently announced 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025)
As the year closes, have a look at the top questions researchers had around manuscript submission guidelines and our responses to them
Elsevier and JUSTICE, Japan's largest consortium of university libraries, announce a three-year open access (OA) agreement commencing January 1, 2021
For the ongoing International Open Access Week 2020, we have curated the top questions by researchers around open access this year - and our responses to them
Peer Review Week 2020 is coming up - and we would like you to join us in all the great discussions around peer review!
Predatory author services are the newest avatar of predatory publishers, but with the same malicious intent: to deceive new, inexperienced researchers. With the backing of industry leaders like…
cOAlition S announces price transparency rules for publishers that will come into effect in July 2022.
An in-depth look at how preprints are helping accelerate research around COVID-19, including challenges and measures to overcome them
Springer Nature has committed to joining Plan S after cOAlition S announced revised guidelines for the implementation of Plan S. With this decision, Nature and Nature-branded journals will eventually…