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Ardella Crawford majored in Elementary Education for her BS degree and in English for her MA degree. She has over 20 years of experience in academic writing/editing with…
"I enjoy working with you!"
Authors are sometimes so keen on publishing in high impact factor journals that they indulge in unacceptable practices, such as unethical withdrawal or concurrent…
Unethical withdrawal of a manuscript for submission to a higher impact factor journal: A case study
When writing a paper, always acknowledge all sources clearly and avoid copying other authors’ words verbatim. Failure to do so could lead to loss of tenure/funding and…
Plagiarism in academic publishing
Why it is important to fomat headings clearly and consistently? This post explains how appropriately formatting the headings increases the readability and clarity of the…
Tips on using major headings, subheadings, minor headings in research papers
Scholarly Open Access, a popular blog that listed questionable journals and publishers, has recently been taken down. The blog was maintained by Jeffrey Beall since 2008…
Beall's list of "predatory" publishers and journals no longer available
Research papers go through a long and thorough process of peer review so that the published papers are free of errors and mistakes. Despite this, sometimes some errors…
Is the journal retraction rate rising?
Literature reading is critical to scientific research because this habit will generate a sense of appreciation and passion for science. Read this article for expert…
Expert advice on reading scientific literature as a habit
What happens to a manuscript once it is submitted to a journal? This article, written by an experienced journal editor, throws light on what exactly the role of the…
Behind the scenes: A journal editor's insight into what happens post manuscript submission
The number of published papers being retracted is increasing dramatically and is higher than ever before. Although retracted papers still represent a miniscule…
What are the most common reasons for retraction?
A concept paper is a preliminary document that sets out to explain what a proposed study is about, why it is being undertaken, and how it will be carried out. Find out…