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In the South African township where I grew up, we have a special meal on Sundays called “Seven Colours.” It consists of a mishmash of foods and beautiful colors on your…
  • Guest Author
  • June 13, 2019
There is an old adage in science - you will fail far more than you will succeed. And although it’s something I’ve begrudgingly come to accept throughout my time as a…
  • Guest Author
  • May 21, 2019
This blogpost will give you an overview of Bayesian hierarchical models and outline some best practices you can follow while using them.  
A research team from Fujita Health University, Japan, has found that bacteria of the genus Bartonella release a protein that stimulates the production of new blood…
This infographic presents five key things biomedical researchers need to know about correlation analysis in order to produce reliable results.
In a new study, scientists at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology developed novel ligand molecules, which facilitate a catalytic reaction that generates useful…
On August 25, 2022, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) of the US released a memorandum titled “Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access…
Using diverse communication formats to communicate your research can help create more impact. This post discusses what these benefits are and which formats to use for…
In complex fluids like cell nuclei, cytoplasm, polymeric fluids, supercooled water, and ionic liquids, molecules do not move in the same way as they do in simple liquids…
I’ve had the most amazing first year as a PhD student, and an exciting summer as well! It’s been challenging at times, but always rewarding. I’m really looking forward…