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I have had a lifelong love affair with math and science. At the end of college, I had no ideas about what to do with my life. I finally found my way to a PhD program. I…
  • Guest Author
  • June 26, 2019
The aggregation of amyloid protein fibrils is involved in diseases such as amyloidosis and even Alzheimer’s. A group of Japanese scientists has explored the use of free…
Writing to a journal can be stressful for authors. This article gives some useful tips for you to communicate with your journal effectively.
On June 24, 2022, the US Supreme Court overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling, which had protected a woman’s right to have an abortion, and allowed individual states…
My postdoc hadn’t worked out. The first sign that things were going wrong came before my official start date, but it wasn’t until approximately 2 months into the postdoc…
In this blogpost, we’ll break down Principal Components Analysis (PCA) in simple terms, explore its applications in biomedical research, discuss its advantages and…
The interaction between ‘transfer RNAs’ and the enzymes that help them in protein synthesis is a key area of interest to understand the evolution of the genetic code…
With the US government being one of the world’s biggest funders of research, the new OSTP policy has sparked widespread reactions globally. During the International Open…
I left academia about a year ago and started working in biotech, selling analytical equipment to researchers. It was a painful process, and at first I didn’t really want…
To say that my boat ride to Small Gobal island in the Middle East was an adventure would be an understatement. Due to the high winds, the boat was uncomfortably vertical…