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In the vast ocean of statistical methods, biomedical researchers often find themselves at a crossroads when choosing between traditional frequentist statistics and the…
Choosing between Frequentist and Bayesian statistics: a guide for biomedical researchers
A vigilant approach toward avoiding the citation of retracted papers can help safeguard the integrity of scholarly discourse, By incorporating these strategies, you can…
Journal guidelines are super important when it comes to submission. This post talks in detail about their importance, typical guidelines and ensure your paper follows…
No wonder unpublished content is a pain point for researchers. This post suggests some ways of turning that into published material, though not always in the form of a…
Despite setbacks, scandals, and drama, 2023 delivered on its expectation of being a fascinating and productive year for the world’s research and academic communities…
Looking back at shifts in 2023’s academic landscape
There are ways to strike a balance between career aspirations and caregiving responsibilities, and institutions are beginning to recognize the need for policies that…
Balancing act: from bench to bassinet and back
To mark the occasion of World Health Day, we speak with patient expert Clarinda Cerejo to understand how medical researchers can involve patients in the research and…
This blogpost breaks down Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) and explores why it's becoming a game-changer for biomedical researchers.
Understanding the Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART): A guide for biomedical researchers
The traditional boundaries that separated the “scientist” from “society” are rapidly disappearing. Here we provide a few reasons why scientists may need to…
Resources for effective science communication
Here are a few personal stories some of us associated with Editage Insights/CACTUS would like to share with you about the impact some women scientists have had on us…