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Google Scholar is a tool researchers commonly use for conducting literature searches. This post shares eight great tips to help make your Google Scholar search more…
8 Winning hacks to use Google Scholar for your research paper
Perspectives, opinion pieces, and commentaries are some short scholarly article types that journals publish. This article explains what each of these articles includes,…
A young researcher's guide to perspective,  commentary, and opinion articles
There are some common criteria you should consider when choosing a journal to publish in. Once you have a publication strategy in place, choose journals that meet all of…
How to choose journals for submitting your paper
The use of figures and tables as adjuncts to text is common in research papers. These adjuncts supplement the text: figures, for example, can convey information that may…
Avoid instructions such as "See Table 2" and "Refer to Figure 6"
Tables and figures are commonly used in research papers to supplement text. In this post, you'll find useful tips regarding how to phrase the titles, how to style or…
Quick tips on writing titles for tables and figures in scientific papers
What are some of the biggest concerns facing science? A recently conducted survey by one of the leading news websites Vox involving 270 researchers provides answers to…
7 Major problems science is facing: A survey overview
In a list of bullet points, whether each item begins with a capital letter depends on the punctuation mark that comes before the item. A capital letter typically marks…
Scientific writing: Tips on capitalization in bullet point lists
A footnote to a table is a pointer; it tells readers that whatever bit of text they are reading requires additional information to make complete sense. Learn in this…
Footnotes in tables (part 1): choice of footnote markers and their sequence
When writing a research paper, authors may feel confused about the use of certain words. This article explains the difference between the commonly confusing words - "e.g…
Scientific writing: Difference between "e.g.," "i.e.," and "namely"
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