
Manuscript Writing

One of the most difficult aspects of research manuscript preparation is deciding whether your findings should be presented through tables, figures, or text. The tips…
Choose the best format for presenting your research data: tables, figures, and text
Journals expect authors to disclose any form of writing assistance by acknowledging the writer's contribution. However, authors are sometimes reluctant to disclose…
"Why should I acknowledge writing assistance if I have paid for it?" A case study
The article discusses a few points of style related to bacterial nomenclature.
Style tips for presenting scientific names of bacteria
Graphs are often referred to as pictures of numbers. They capture the meaning behind a set of numbers and convey that meaning at a glance. This article discusses whether…
"Fill" patterns in graphs: decorative or functional?
Find tips on presenting genes and products of genes in this article. Gene nomenclature is fairly complex, and this article attempts to draw attention to its intricacies…
Style tips for presenting genes and gene products
A typical data table in a research paper is a matrix of rows and columns. This post describes how the row and column headings should amplify the table title.
Presenting data in tables: Guidelines on using row and column headings
During the process of writing a research paper, authors may sometimes find themselves struggling to choose one word or term over the other. This post deals with and…
Commonly confused words in research writing: "alternate" and "alternative"
Acknowledgments are probably the easiest section to write in a research paper, but can often be tricky! This article discusses the purpose of the acknowledgements…
How to write the Acknowledgements section of a research paper
Scientific writing is all about being accurate, brief, and objective, and as editors or writers, we should reduce the bias that creeps in from the use of insensitive…
Sensitivity in scientific writing
Science Research Writing is a practical and handy guide for non-native authors who want to write research papers in English.