
Research Paper Structure

This post is about all the ways in which a biostatistician can boost your statistical abilities, empowering you to design studies and analyze data with confidence. 
A vigilant approach toward avoiding the citation of retracted papers can help safeguard the integrity of scholarly discourse, By incorporating these strategies, you can…
Journal guidelines are super important when it comes to submission. This post talks in detail about their importance, typical guidelines and ensure your paper follows…
This blogpost breaks down Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) and explores why it's becoming a game-changer for biomedical researchers.
Read this blogpost to understand what Bayesian Neural Network is, its advantages, and challenges.
In this blogpost, we've examined how machine learning benefits various aspects of clinical trial management, from planning the study to overseeing participants and…
Efficient, cost-effective, and patient-centered: How machine learning can transform the way we conduct clinical trials
As figures are visual in nature, making them accessible means meeting the needs of users with visual impairments. Those who use scientific figures, including paper…
How to make your figures accessible
In research, English has probably helped break down barriers more than it has divided people, but the predominance of English is not an unalloyed good. The expectation…
This blogpost will outline some best practices that can help you not only boost your efficiency and productivity as a researcher but also contribute toward ethical…
In this blog post, we have broken down the concept of joint modeling in simple terms and explained its significance for biomedical researchers.