Japanese tree frogs' behavior inspires computational algorithms

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Japanese tree frogs' behavior inspires computational algorithms

Inspired by the behavior of Japanese tree frogs, researchers from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) have developed computational algorithms that can be used to design wireless systems and analyze social networks. Male Japanese tree frogs sing to attract their female counterparts. If, however, two male frogs sing at the same time, females can get confused. To avoid this, male frogs desynchronize their singing so that no two males sing simultaneously. The researchers observed this self-organizing behavior of frogs and developed bio-inspired algorithms that have various applications in wireless technology and detection of independent communities within networks. They opine that user behavior can be monitored to track down inconspicuous or inactive users, detect tight-knit communities, find users who would be willing to connect, etc.

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Published on: Oct 14, 2015


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