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The Fields Medal, which is officially known as International Medal for Outstanding Discoveries in Mathematics, is an esteemed award that is often described as the …
Congratulations to winners of the 2014 Fields Medal prize
Publication bias refers to a phenomenon in scientific reporting whereby authors are more likely to submit and journal editors are more likely to publish studies with …
Publication and reporting biases and how they impact publication of research
This article explains what an original article is and how you should go about writing one. It provides detailed guidance on every aspect of writing an original article -…
A young researcher's guide to writing an original research article
Headings or headlines are a special kind of text and are not as rigidly governed by conventions of punctuation. Read more...
Omit colons and full stops after headings in research papers
The impact factor is one of the most discussed topics in the publishing and scientific community. Thomson Reuters assigns most journals a yearly impact factor (IF),…
The advance and decline of the impact factor
Most journals use acceptance or rejection rates to analyze whether the number of papers that they are rejecting or accepting is too high and to monitor any unusual…
How to interpret journal acceptance rates
This article presents some important aspects of presenting tables in your research paper so that they look more attractive and the data is easy to understand. 
9 Tips on presenting your tables effectively
This article delves a little deeper into the fallacies of the impact factor and points that you should consider when using it.
Why you should not use the journal impact factor to evaluate research
Aspiring scholars rightly recognize publication of their first peer-reviewed paper as a critical career milestone. It signals active engagement with the discourse in a…
Guidelines for young researchers on tackling common problems in scientific publishing
Choosing a research question is clearly the first and most basic step to achieving publication success and advancing your career as a researcher. Read on for detailed…