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It is helpful for authors to be aware of the two dominant varieties of English in STM journal publishing - American and British - when preparing their manuscripts for…
At this time of the year, most academicians await the announcement of the Noble Prize winners. This prestigious award is presented to worthy candidates in the fields of…
Congratulations to the recipients of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine!James E. Rothman, Randy W. Schekman, and Thomas C. Südhof were awarded the 2013 Nobel…
How do particles acquire mass? In 1964, these two physicists independently proposed a theory to explain this. Central to the theory was the prediction of a particle…
Today, computers are used in pretty much every field of scientific research. Computers are ubiquitous in our personal lives as well, and it's hard to imagine a time when…
Congratulations to Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt, and Arieh Warshel on receiving the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry!
An overwhelming trend in the feedback we have collected from authors who have worked with us over the years is this: The editor’s understanding of the subject area is…
Selecting the subject area in your submission form to Editage
The increasing popularity of open access has made it easy for individuals to set up bogus journals that guarantee publication but charge steep article-processing fees…
Beware of bogus publishers!
This article discusses the latest available statistics on China’s progress in R&D, based on a global publishing report released by Thomson ReutersTM in February 2013…
China's performance in global R&D
Over the years, I’ve come across many common language mistakes made by non-native speakers of English. The incorrect of use of words and phrases in English can confuse…
Wouldn’t it be interesting to know what the academic world thinks of open access (OA) publishing and related topics, such as peer review, licensing, re-use, and metrics?…